The Principal’s Strategy in Improving Teacher’s Performance

Eduin Gator, Muhammad Kristiawan, Mulyadi Mulyadi


The principal's strategy is a way that is prepared to improve teacher performance. The purpose of this study was to describe the principal's strategy in improving teacher performance at SD Negeri 2 Lembak. The research method uses a qualitative approach. The results showed 1) the strategy of the Principal of SD Negeri 2 Lembak in improving teacher’s performance through teacher supervision, training, workshops and PPG, teacher’s certification, and increasing teacher‘s work discipline; 2) the inhibiting factors in the implementation of improving teacher performance in SD Negeri 2 Lembak is that not all teachers have the same motivation; and 3) the principal's strategy is to overcome the obstacles faced in improving teacher performance by motivating teachers to improve their performance by creating harmonious relationships and situations and collaborating with teachers, other efforts provide rewards and punishment for teachers who do not carry out their main duties with good discipline. This study contributes to the principal on improving teacher performance. Improving teacher’s performance aims to empower educational personnel effectively and efficiently.

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