Epidemio-Clinical Aspects of Closed Forearm Fractures and Functional Results after Osteosynthesis by Plate
Isolated fracture of a bone or both bones of the forearm always involves the functional prognosis of the limb. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemioclinical aspects and to analyze the functional results of fractures of the forearm having benefited from an osteosynthesis at 6 months of follow-up. This is a retrospective, descriptive and analytical study of patients undergoing an osteosynthesis by a screwed plate of a fracture of one or both bones of the forearm in the Orthopedic and Trauma Surgery Service of the University Hospital Center of Joseph RavoahangyAndrianavalona in 2015 and 2016. Thirty-six cases were observed. Men were the most affected (67%). The age group between 16 and 30 years old (33.3%) was the most represented. Sports accidents and road traffic accidents were the most represented etiologies (33.34% each). The non-dominant side was the most affected. It was mainly an isolated fracture of the radius (69.46%). The type of line most represented was the transverse line (53%) sitting at third middle in the majority of cases. All fractures have been consolidated. Forty percents of the patients followed more than 20 functional rehabilitation sessions. The functional results were satisfactory in 66.67%.Osteosynthesis by screwed plate allowed normal consolidation, but functional outcomes also depend above all on the type of fracture and functional rehabilitation.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v22.1.2063
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