Shaman Magical Communication (A Phenomenology Study on Body Immune Science Rituals)

M. Denu Poyo, Destiana Destiana


This research is based on the existence of a shamanic phenomenon that has long existed and is preserved in the community. Shaman believed by a group of people to have the ability and expertise to help the community in various problems. The experience, ability and expertise of the shaman in Wiratama Village, Penawartama District, Tulang Bawang Regency, Lampung Province, who is usually called Mbah, in handling and helping through alternative ways of problem solving guest had no doubt. The purpose of this study was to understand and explore the magical communication of shamans in immune science rituals. This study uses a phenomenological approach with qualitative methods. The research subjects were traditional healers and guests who had performed immune science rituals in the Lampung area. The selection of informants was carried out in accordance with their experiences, re-revealing their experiences and deepening them. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation and document review. Data analysis was carried out by selecting relevant data, describing it and drawing conclusions. The conclusion of this study is the magical communication performed by shamans in immune science rituals.


Magical communication, shaman, immune science, ritual

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