Decision Support System For Determination Of Students Prakerin Places In SMK Negeri 3 Bogor Using Profile Matching Method
Decision Support System for determining the location of Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) students using the profile matching method is a decision support system created to make it easy for the Chair of Expertise Competency (Kakomli) to match students and the Business / Industrial World (DU/DI) who have collaborated with the school in determining the appropriate Prakerin premises. Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) Competency Competency at SMK Negeri 3 Bogor is the object of research related to the Prakerin planning activities for TKJ students who will implement it in semester 4 or class XI (eleven), which is matching student competencies and the needs of the Business World / Industrial World ( DU/DI) where Internship is implemented by applying the profile matching method. The system development method used in this study uses the SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) waterfall model with stages ranging from analysis, design (design), implementation (coding), to testing. The result of this study is a decision support system for determining the place of internship of web-based students using a profile matching method in the form of student ranking based on the level of suitability of the value of criteria owned by students with the value criteria required by DU/DI to be placed and used as recommendations for decision making. With this decision support system, it can help provide choices in determining the location of the TKJ students by the competencies of each TKJ student and the needs of each appropriate Business World / Industrial World (DU/DI) accurately and quickly.
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