Evaluation of SMA/SMK Management Displacement Policy from District/City Government to Provincial Government (Study in Riau Province)
This research aims to determine the readiness and constraints that occur from the Provincial Education Office especially the Riau Provincial Education Office in implementing the transfer of management of SMA/SMK from Regency/City to the Province, starting from the readiness of transferring human/personnel affairs, infrastructure and funding. Efforts made by the Riau Province Education Office in improving the quality of education in the transfer of management of SMA/SMK from Regency/city to Province. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. The technique of determining information is snowball sampling, the informants include the Head of Office, Head of Education Data Collection and Development, Head of PKPLK, Head of PSMA, Head of PSMK, Head of Personnel and General, Head of Finance and Equipment, Head of Program Planning, Supervisor of Senior HighSchool/Vocational School and Head of School SMA/SMK Equal. Data obtained by observation, interview and documentation techniques. Triangulation is done to check the validityof the data.
The research findings reveal that the readiness of the Riau Provincial Education Office in the face of transferring management of SMA/SMK equivalent from regencies/cities to provinces can be seen from the change from Law Number 32 of 2004 to Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Governments that manage management in education affairs are delegated to the province. In-Law Number 23 the Year 2014 article 404 states that the handover of personnel, funding, facilities and infrastructure, as well as documents (P3D) as a result of the division of governmental affairs between the Central Government, Provincial Regions and Regency/City Regions which are regulated under this Act, carried out no later than 2 (two) years from the enactment of this Law. Then the process of transfer of management which includes personnel, assets, funding and documentation must have been carried out. The obstacle that was found was the management of school administration affairs because of the geographical location or the distance from the regency to the Riau Provincial Education Office which was very time consuming to come directly to the Riau Provincial Education Office. So that the efforts made by the Riau Provincial Education Office create a service branch in 4 regencies/cities with the task of becoming an extension and coordination of regencies/cities to the provinces that have been budgeted by the Riau Provincial Education Office for 2020. This branch office aims to make the transfer of management effective and efficient and can improve the quality of education, especially secondary education in Riau Province.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v22.1.2009
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