Conflits Fonciers et Modes de Gestion dans le Département du Plateau
Mots clés-Département du Plateau, conflits fonciers, mode de gestion
Abstract-In southern Benin, particularly in the Plateau department, the issue of land disputes has become a worrying situation for the authorities at various levels for years. This research studies land conflicts and their management methods in the Plateau department (towns of Sakété, Pobé, Ifangni, Adja-Ouèrè). To conduct this research, data was collected, processed and the results analyzed. The data used are socio-anthropological data relating to forms of conflict and land management methods. The study of demographic growth in the Plateau department was made, using data from the RGPH (1979, 1992, 2002, and 2013) and projection data for the horizon 2030. These data were processed using the IBM SPSS software version 21. In the plateau department and more precisely in the municipalities of Sakété, Pobé, Ifangni, Adja-Ouèrè, land disputes are linked to succession crises (31 %); disputes / claims of property rights (27 %); the limit conflicts (22 %) and those related to subdivisions and multiple sale are respectively (7 % and 13 %). Faced with these forms of conflict, the management method boils down to conciliation by the customary authorities or the family council, conciliation by the municipal authorities and institutional measures for settling land disputes.
Keywords-Plateau Department, land disputes, management method
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Copyright (c) 2020 Jean Raphael ADELAKOU, Sylvain VISSOH, Ibouraima YABI

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