Impact of Maximum Physical Exercise on Male Mice (Mus musculus L.) Without Supplementation

Elsa Yuniarti, M Des, N Izzati, V Laila Nuchair


Maximum physical exercise is the cause of an increase in free radicals. The imbalance between free radicals and antioxidants in the body is known as oxidative stress that causes erythrocyte damage after physical exercise that causes Sports Anemia. This study uses a type of experimental research. Held in May-June 2020 at the Animal Physiology Laboratory FMIPA UNP. The treatments taken are (K1) not treated and (K2) given the maximum physical exercise treatment in the form of a maximum swimming for 2 weeks. Data were analyzed by paired comparison test with a significance level of 5%. The data were processed using SPSS 23. The results of this study indicate that maximum physical exercise can reduce blood components in mice, namely a decrease in hemoglobin (K1) from 15.05 g/dL to 13.52 g/dL and (K2) from 13.22 g/dL to 8.35 g/dL, decrease in hematocrit (K1) 43.28% to 41.10% and (K2) 42.28% to 28.24%, decrease erythrocytes (K1) 11.88 106/mm3 to 10.71 106/mm3 and (K2) 8.82 106/ mm3 to 6.38 106/mm3 and the increase in leukocytes (K1) 4.83106/mm3 to 5.25 106/ mm3 and (K2) 5.18 106/mm3 to 7.51106/mm3. The conclusion of the research is the effect of maximal physical exercise on male mice without supplementation can significantly reduce hemoglobin, hematocrit and erythrocytes but not significantly reduce leukocyte levels.


Erythrocyte, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit, Leukocytes, Maximum Physical Exercise

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