Representation of the Islamic Values in the Website of as a Digital Dating Agency Service

Risa Trihastuti


The presence of internet technology is a necessity. The ‘’awesome’’ characteristic of internet technology is logically malleable . That means  limit of technology used is how far humans being can be empowered. Within that framework, the manifestations of internet technology implementation are so wide, including as online dating. The internet facilitates the search for spouses through the online dating web. In Islamic terminology these pages packed with a construction of Islamic values.

Furthermore, the  objective of this study was to explain representation of Islamic values in the way of a dating digitally in the  page of  '' ''. The used of internet as tool of mediation means of matchmaking in this page is interesting to examine more deeply, because more based on a reflection mechanism Islamic behavior. The Islamic behavior is, such as in the offline dating, man and woman are not allowed to meet without a mediator (a third person). This mediator is a person  of alumni from '' ''.

This study is a qualitative research, with content analysis method. The website of  '' '' as the main data will be operated with a guide theories of representation, in order to find some categories of Islamic values. The secondary data comes from various supporting sources / references deemed relevant to this research. The study results show the mechanism of this website reflected  the values  of Islamic association. Besides that, from this study also concluded that these pages represent Puritanism of dating, the value of Islamic brotherhood and group identity. This page is also a page that does not pay, do not rely on purely transactional relationship, has an agenda that is not directly communicate socially appropriate procedure rules to the Islamic.



Islamic Value,, Digital Dating

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