Development of Mathematic Student’s Worksheet Based on Means Ends Analysis to Improve Critical Thinking Ability for Students in Class 5th Elementary School

Henisa Rosulawati, Caswita Caswita, Suwarjo Suwarjo


This research and development aims to develop student’s worksheet based on means end analysis that is feasible and interesting for fifth grade students in elementary school. The research method uses R&D. The population of the study were elementary school students for grade V in the Raden Imba Kotagajah cluster, Kotagajah sub-district, Central Lampung regency, Lampung province, Indonesia as many as 161 were distributed in 4 elementary schools. The subject of the feasibility test in this study were 3 expert lecturers and 6 practitioners, the subject of the attractiveness test of 15 students at SDN 3 Kotagajah. The data collection tool uses a instrument of feasibility test, attractiveness test and critical thinking ability test. Student’s worksheet have been validated by experts and practitioner test received an average rating of 88.9 in valid with the average score 3,46 very good category. Student’s Worksheet based means ends analysis interest in learning with the average score 4,38 from 5 in the interesting category. Students' responses related to five aspects of critical thinking ability after studying student’s worksheet based on MEA obtained an average score of 3.19 with a good category. Based on the results of these studies indicate that the studen’s worksheet products are valid, interesting and theoretically feasible to improve critical thinking ability for grade V students in Primary Schools.


Student worksheet, Means Ends Analysis, Critical Thinking Ability

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