A Needs Analysis of the Development of Problem Based Learning-Based Student Worksheet on Human Reproductive System Material to Improve Students’ Critical Thinking Skills of Grade XI SMA Negeri 1 Kubung Solok Regency

Nof Pebry Ulfah, Yuni Ahda


Problems with adolescent reproductive health can be reduced through communication, information and education. One of the biology learning materials for high school students is the human reproductive system. The material of the human reproductive system is closely related to the real life so that problems in life can be raised. One scientific approach that is in line with the 2013 Curriculum is a Problem Based Learning model (PBL). PBL model is based on problems in daily life. A tool that can be used to analyze students’ problems is the Student Worksheet. In the 21st century students must be able to develop their critical thinking skills. Therefore, it is necessary to develop PBL-based Student Worksheet. The data from interviews with teachers and students showed that so far in the learning process LKPD was not used that was recommended according to the model in the 2013 Curriculum; the students’ results were still below the KKM; the learning was theoretical without presenting the problems related to the students’ daily life about the system human reproduction. In the 21st Century students must be able to develop Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). Students' critical thinking skills must be developed to analyze, evaluate and draw conclusions in solving a problem. The results of the PISA (The Program for International Student Assessment) analysis from year to year showed that the critical thinking skills of Indonesian students do not have a significant improvement. The results of the PISA analysis were also in line with the students’ learningoutcomes at school. The results of the questionnaire analysis of the students' needs for LKPD showed that 23.33% of the students want the cover of the LKPD with the dominant color which is orange, and 66.66 ℅ of them want the contents of the LKPD to be white. Furthermore, it was known that 63.33% students like the Maiandra GD letters with A4 LKPD size.


Problem Based Learning, Student Worksheet, Critical thinking.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v21.2.1968


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