“Help Seeking Behaviour” Among Women Who Had Domestic Violence

Lidia Hastuti, Ridha Mardiyani, . Surtikanti, Annisa Rahmawati, Lilis Lestari, Jaka Pradika


Abstract:  Violence against women by partner can cause health problems that require special handling. The study of help seeking behavior for domestic violence’s victims has never been explored in depth. The identification and special handling of women’s health problems who had violence are not available yet in health services system. This research intends to explore health problems for seeking help. The qualitative research with a phenomenological approach with maximum variation sampling according to specified inclusion criteria. The number of participants were 12 people. The collecting of qualitative data used  in-depth interviews and FGD. The research instrument used an interview guide and tested validity and reliability. The data analysis used thematic analysis. This research found that violence experience varied according to type, namely physical, psychological/emotional and sexual. In fact, they experienced more than one type of violence at once. The help seeking behavior for women who had domestic violence very varied and tended to informal sector although there were some who was seeking for help in the formal sector or institutions that could handle violence’s cases. Women tended to overcome and heal themselves, asked for neighbors’ help, reported to the women's empowerment office. Women of violence’s victims who had bruises on their bodies and faces, seeking for help at the Public Health Center for treatment, and provided a medical statement (visum et repertum) for police investigations. In addition, they sought for help from a shaman to treat their husbands to have a calmer, less abusive attitude and more loving to his family and wife.


Domestic violence, health problems, help seeking behavior

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v21.2.1957


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