Purine Content in Various Type of Gulai as Specialty Food of West Sumatra

Mentari Larashinda, Kesuma Sayuti, Rina Yenrina, Cesar Welya Refdi


Gulai is one of the most well-known basic dishes in West Sumatra specialties made from chicken, fish, goat meat, beef, offal and vegetables. Gulai with animal ingridient is a food that generally contains high protein. Foods that have protein content, specifically have purine content which will cause hyperuricemia. The purpose of this study is to identify four purine bases (adenine, guanine, hypoxanthine and xanthin) in several types of gulai dishes typical of West Sumatra. Seven food samples were obtained from several restaurants in the city of Padang. Purine base identification is determined using the HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) method. The highest total purine content in several types of gulai dishes is found in spicy and sour fish gulai and the lowest in chicken gulai.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v21.2.1940


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