Readiness of SMAN Biology Teachers in West Sumatera of Critical Thinking Skills of Learning in the Era of 4.0 Industrial Revolution
This research aims to describe the readiness of SMAN biology teachers in West Sumatera of critical thinking skills of learning in the era of the 4.0 industrial revolution. The research method uses mixed method by combining quantitative and qualitative research methods. Quantitative data is obtained with questionnaires and qualitative data is obtained through the interview process. Data analysis is performed using descriptive analysis techniques. The results showed that high school biology teachers in West Sumatra belong to the category of highly prepared with an average value of 4.32 on all aspects of critical thinking. The indicator of interacting with others has the highest contribution with a value of 4.48 and the indicator of deducting and considering the results of deduction has the lowest contribution to the readiness value of biology teachers in state high schools in West Sumatra with a value of 4.18.
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