Relationship of Communication and Resources to Implementation of Government Regulation No.53 of 2010 Concerning Discipline of Civil Servants in Makassar Health Training Center

Rahmiyah Ramli, Amran Razak, Rahmatiah Rahmatiah, Indar Indar, Darmawansyah Darmawansyah, Syamsiar S. Russeng


In government agencies, work discipline is the main capital that must be owned by Civil Servants (PNS), because it is related to the delivery of public services. In the context of efforts to improve the discipline of civil servants, the government drafted regulations governing the discipline of Civil Servants, namely Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning the discipline of Civil Servants. This study aims to determine the relationship of Communication and Resources To the Implementation of Government Regulation Number 53 Year 2010 Concerning Discipline of Civil Servants at the Center for Health Training (Health Training Center) Makassar. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method with a cross-sectional study approach. The population in this study were all Civil Servants at the Makassar Health Training Center (BBPK). The research sample of 78 people. In this study using a questionnaire and data tested using chi-square. The chi-square test shows that there is an influence of Resources on the Implementation of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants (p = 0.009) and there is no effect of communication on the Implementation of Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants (p = 0, 575). The results of the analysis of the data obtained show that the better the resources in implementing the policy will have an impact on ASN compliance in upholding discipline, and vice versa. This research is expected to be an input for the Makassar Center for Health Training (Health Training Center) to further improve resources related to the level of employee understanding of the contents of the Government Regulation No.53 of 2010 concerning PNS discipline.


Communication, Resources, policy implementation, and Civil Servant Discipline

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Copyright (c) 2020 Rahmiyah Ramli, Amran Razak, Rahmatiah Rahmatiah, Indar Indar, Darmawansyah Darmawansyah, Syamsiar S. Russeng

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