Comparison between the Application of Science Technology Society Model and Discovery Learning Model on the Student Knowledge Competence in Class XI of SMAN 12 Padang
In the 21st century, the learning that integrated of science and technology in education is needed. A kind of learning model that integrated of science and technology is the Science Technology Society models. In SMAN 12 Padang, the teachers are used Discovery Learning models in the learning process, especially biology teacher. It is impacted to the learning process where students' knowledge competence is still below the minimum learning mastery standard. In order to overcome this problem, using the right model is a must. This research aimed to compare student knowledge competencies in applying two models, the Science Technology Society (STS) model and the Discovery Learning (DL) model. This is a quasi-experimental research design where Randomized Control Group Posted Only as the design. The population in this study were students of class XI IPA of SMAN 12 Padang in the academic year 2019/2020. The sample is determined by purposive sampling technique. The instrument was a multiple choice question sheet. The data was analyzed by some techniques are normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis testing with t-test using SPSS application. The results showed that there was a significant difference in knowledge competence between experimental class 1 and experimental class 2, where the value of knowledge which applied the STS model was higher than the DL model.
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