Making Chemical Snakes and ladders Game as Learning Media on Hydrocarbon Compound Material for Senior High School

Dwivelia Aftika Sari, Iswendi Iswendi, Bayharti Bayharti


One alternative of instructional media that can be used as a practical model for hydrocarbon compound material is a chemical snakes and ladders game. The media consists of a board that contains facts, concepts, and principles of hydrocarbon compound material, questions about the hydrocarbon compound material and answer keys of the questions, pawns, and dice. These media can improve students 'learning activities and students' comprehension of the hydrocarbon compound material. The research aimed to produce instructional media in the form of a chemical snakes and ladders game on hydrocarbon compound material. The type of this research is the Research and Development (R&D) by applying 4D models, namely (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. This research was conducted until develop phase. The feasibility test was conducted on XI MIPA 1 students of SMAN 7 Sijunjung, in the form of the instructional quality and technical quality of the media. The instrument used was questionnaires that analyzed by using kappa moment and rating scale technique. The result of the analysis determines that the average score of the feasibility test of the media is 93.90%. It indicates that the chemical snakes and ladders game is highly feasible and very fit for use as an instructional media in the hydrocarbon compound material for SMA.


chemical snakes and ladders game, hydrocarbon compounds, learning media, 4-D model, feasibility test.

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