Difference of Opinion to Income Zakat

. Alimuddin


The presence of 'fiqh scholars is now deciding the real and applicable fatwas according to the dynamics of the times. The growth of the economy and technology in this new age makes the manufacturing and service sectors more dominant and promising compared to the agricultural and livestock sectors. It has an effect on the term of zakat embedded in agriculture and plantations as it can be developed and commercialized. That is why Qardhawi, with his contemporary view of jurisprudence, pays very close attention to this matter. Indeed, the Shari'ah is not only an interaction between early scholars and their time. As stated in the classical jurisprudence. Other than this, the Shari'ah has a quality that must be kept and preserved in order to reflect the changing times. Due to its limited scope, ijtihad emerged as an efficient and successful and appropriate response to the problems of the times. Nonetheless, not all people accept that ijtihad is still available and can be updated due to the variations in the HR of today. We therefore argue that anything that did not happen in the time of the Prophet was heresy (bid’ah).


Difference of Opinion, Zakat on Income

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v21.1.1916


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