Problematics Study of Natural Sciences (IPA) Online at Junior High School in the Time of the Pandemic Covid-19
Abstract – The purpose of this study was to determine the scientific and online learning process at home following the COVID-19 pandemic. The study uses sample research methods used to obtain information on the constraints and constraints resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic on the activities of the scientific learning process in the province of Riau. In this study, the respondents were 50 lower secondary teachers in each district. Province of Riau. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and a list of questions was compiled on the Google-Forms platform. The interview was developed on the basis of certain related documents. The respondents to this study were teachers of lower secondary education and those who taught science courses in the province of Riau. The results of this study are that there are several obstacles encountered by teachers and students in online teaching and learning activities, namely that there is a decrease in the online learning process by 93.3, teachers have never done as much online learning as 43.3, there are factors that prevent online learning namely facilities and infrastructure limited to 70 and Internet networks up to 'at 66.7, a lack of concentration of students in the learning process which can reach 76.7, the respondents declared that they agreed if online learning is applied after the pandemic, but also interspersed with 50% face to face. online learning ineffective up to 70 and 63.3 of the Core Competency of learning in the natural sciences are not fully transmitted.
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