The Effect of Regional Retributions to the North Sumatera Economic Growth

Ishak Juharsa Harahap, Prof. Erlina. SE.M.Si. Ph.D.Ak.CA, Dr. Rujiman MA


The trend of regional retributions fluctuations in North Sumatra shows an increasing tendency during the period of 2011-2015, while economic growth shows a decreasing tendency during the period of 2011-2015. High economic growth is one of the prerequisites of development that must be met as a foundation of development in the fields of economy, social politics and culture. This study aims to determine the influence of regional retributions on the economic growth of North Sumatra. The results obtained that simultaneously retribution significantly influence the economic growth of North Sumatra Province. The results of this study indicate that economic growth is influenced by regional retributions. Local retributions have a negative but not significant effect on the economic growth of North Sumatra Province.


regional retributions, economic growth

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