Description of Senior High School Students' Understanding Categories about Chemical Bonds Using Two-Tier Multiple Choice Diagnostic Instrument

Natia Afriana Suri, Minda Azhar


Abstract - Chemical bonds are an abstract concept in chemistry which many students have difficulty understanding. Therefore, it will be great potential to form some student’s understanding category which is different from textbooks and said by the teacher. The research purpose was to describe the student’s understanding category about chemical bonds and to determine their misconceptions level. The research type was descriptive that used a diagnostic instrument (15 questions of two-tier multiple choices). The questionnaire was applied to 36 students from SMAN 1 Padang in West Sumatra. The results showed that some students had many misconceptions and some of them also do not understand the chemical bonds concept,  especially on Lewis structure, how ionic bonds were formed, how covalent bonds were formed, and how to type a molecular shaped. So, many of them are still misunderstanding in the learning process. This research result can be used by teachers to aware of student’s misunderstanding and to see the level of student’s misconceptions in learning so that the teachers can solve any understanding problem of students in the chemical bonds concept.


diagnostic instrument, two-tier mutiple choices, chemical bonds, chemistry learning

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