An Evaluation of Implementation Industrial Work Practice Programs in Vocational School

Ahmad Jon Areli, Bukman Lian, Muhammad Kristiawan


This study determined CIPP evaluation of Internship implementation in SMK Negeri 1 Penukal and SMK Negeri 1 Talang Ubi in Penukal Abab Lematang Ilir South Sumatera, Indonesia. The results obtained in this study indicate that there is positive implication for the implementation of the Internship, it has carried out its duties properly, through various stages of activities starting from preparation, briefing, implementation process, and monitoring of evaluation. Overall the internship implementation has been going well. The curriculum is really appropriate and applied to students' Internship activities so that the internship implementation runs smoothly, efficiently and effectively. There is always good communication between the school and industry.


Program Evaluation, Industrial Work Practices, Vocational Schools

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