The Influence of Principal’s Leadership and Teacher’s Performance on Student’ Achievement

Imas Sukmaswati, Bukman Lian, Dessy Wardiah


This study aimed at determining the effect of school principal’s leadership and teacher’s performance together on student’s achievement. This research is quantitative using ex post facto. The sample in this study was all teachers in SD Negeri Rayon 2, Pulau Rimau, which consisted of 67 teachers. Data were collected using questionnaire. Data were analysed using quantitative descriptive analysis and multiple regression. The results of this study stated that 1) there was significant influence of principal’s leadership on the student’s achievement; 2) there is significant influence of teacher’s performance on the student’s achievement; 3) there is significant influence jointly between the principal’s leadership and the teacher’s performance on the student’s achievement.


Principal’s Leadership, Teacher’s Performance, Student’s Achievement.

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