Development Communication Convergence: Problems in Village Transfer Management in Simalungun Regency, North Sumatra

Ramainim Saragih, . Sumardjo, Ivanovich Agusta, Sofyan Sjaf


This article analyzes the convergence of development communication in managing village transfer programs in Indonesia. This study describes the communication process that occurs between managers in managing development in villages. Critical assessment within this study aims to determine the convergence of communication in reducing communication gaps in the management of the Village Transfer. Data were collected by conducting interviews, in-depth observations and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Data were collected qualitatively and analyzed descriptively. The results showed that the convergence of communication did not fully occur among stakeholders in which villagers were not directly and fully involved in the process. The Village Tranfer Program truly provides the greatest benefits for community welfare, a strong motivation from all elements of the village community to play an active role in every development process by emphasizing the role of the three pillars of village development namely the villagers, the village government, and the village forum (BPD.)

Keywords : village transfer, communication, convergence, divergence, stakeholders


Village Transfer, Communication, Convergence, Divergence, Stakeholders.

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