The Influence of Principal’s Situational Leadership and Teacher’s Professionalism on Teacher’s Performance

Ruslan Ruslan, Bukman Lian, Happy Fitria


This study aimed at examining the effect of the principal's situational leadership style and teacher’s professionalism together on teacher’s performance in primary schools. The sample of this study were 32 teachers in three primary schools. The data were collected using questionnaire and documentation. Data were analyzed using SPSS program. The results showed that there is influence of the principal's situational leadership style on the teacher’s performance of SD Negeri in Penuguan; there is influence of teacher’s professionalism on the teacher’s performance of SD Negeri in the Penuguan; and there is influence of the principal’s situational leadership style and teacher’s professionalism together on the teacher’s performance of SD Negeri in Penuguan.


Principal Situational Leadership, Teacher’s Professionalism, Teacher’s Performance

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