The Influence of Principal’s Leadership, Academic Supervision, and Professional Competence toward Teachers’ Performance

Dewi Kartini, Muhammad Kristiawan, Happy Fitria


In this study, we examined the significant influence of the principal’s leadership, academic supervision, and professional competence toward teachers’ performance. We researched high school in the sub rayon 06 of Banyuasin. This research belongs to quantitative partial and simultaneous correlational. The sample was 128 teachers from SMA Negeri 1 Muara Padang, SMA Muhammadiyah Muara Padang, SMA Negeri 1 Air Saleh, SMA Bhakti Bangsa Air Saleh, and SMA Negeri 2 Muara Sugihan and we used questionnaire. We found that 1) there is significant influence between the principal’s leadership and the teachers’ performance; 2) there is significant influence between the academic supervision and the teachers’ performance; 3) there is significant influence between the professional competence and the teachers’ performance; and 4) there is a significant influence of principal’s leadership, academic supervision, and professional competence simultaneously to teachers’ performance.


Principal’s Leadership, Academic Supervision, Professional Competence, Teachers’ Performance.

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