Sensory Landscapes of Creativity: Towards a New Form of Identity Branding

Georgia Lalou, Sotiria Katsafadou, Alex-Michael Deffner


Creativity is strongly linked with the social and cultural dimensions of place defining new forms of landscapes, mainly transformed and articulated through culture. The role of senses is also considered significant in the way the generated landscape is shaped and perceived. Hence, creativity and senses play a crucial role in shaping landscapes. In addition, place marketing and place branding aim at the generation of a strong place identity that stem from its landscape, referring not only to the physical characteristics of the place, but also to the meaning and the relations between places and people. In this paper, the notions of creativity, sensory landscape/sensoryscape and place marketing are discussed and combined, through a literature review. The purpose of the paper is to include both sensory and creative dimensions as part of the research into place marketing and place branding procedures. The paper states that creativity is a central organizing principle of landscape that provides distinctiveness to the place and along with the stimulation of senses can lead to a creative sensory landscape emerging from the interaction between creativity displayed in the landscape and its sensoryscape. The authors conclude that these landscapes could lead to the discovery of a new place identity through the process of place marketing and place branding and hence, a new a form of identity branding.

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