Evaluation of Equal SMA / SMK Policy Transfer from District/City Government to Provincial Government (Study in West Sumatra Province)
This research was conducted at the Education Office of West Sumatra Province. The purpose of this study is to look at, assess the readiness and extent of the policy to fruition in implementing the transfer of management of SMA / SMK from Regency / city to Province . Given the many obstacles in the implementation of the transfer, starting from human resources / personnel, infrastructure and financing facilities. Which ultimately remains the goal of improving the quality of education.
This research uses descriptive qualitative method . Informants obtained by purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques , informants include the Head of Office, Head of PSMA , Head of PSMK , Head of PSLB , Head of Supervisors , Head of General Affairs, Head of Finance , Head of Personnel , Head of Curriculum and High School and Vocational Students Coordinator , Coordinator of Facilities and Infrastructure / Vocational equivalent and Principal of high school / Vocational equivalent . Data obtained by observation, interview and documentation techniques. And triangulation is done to check the validity of the data .
The findings of this study reveal that the policy of transferring management of SMA / SMK is equal from the regency / city government to the provincial government in West Sumatra. Which has a large area with 19 districts / cities spread across the province, ranging from those who have access to mud to the five . Starting from the preparation, constraints and upayah Provincial Education Department in improving the quality of education, two years since the Act 23 of 2014 came out the transfer process should s already terla k there, which includes the transfer of management, personnel, assets and financing . The effort undertaken by the Provincial Education Office in the preparation and improvement of the quality of education in its area is to create a verification team for the inventory of personnel, facilities and infrastructure and documents (P3D). The provincial government also validates both documents and field verification to ensure the number and status of assets both human and physical (buildings and land) in order to make the parts that will be prioritized in its implementation and with Pergub No 10 of 2020 made the Education Service Branch into eight Branches and raising to Type A for all branches, this course aims to create management transfers to the provinces to be effective, efficient and improve the quality of educationKeywords
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v20.1.1729
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