Swot Analysis of Teacher’s Professional Competency

Ai Resnawati, Muhammad Kristiawan, Artanti Puspita Sari


This study aimed at describing SWOT analysis of teacher’s professional competence in SD Negeri 06 Indralaya Selatan. This study used qualitative. Data were collected using questionnaire, requesting archives, and documentation. The results showed that from the SWOT analysis was the quality of teachers who were on average already certified; most of the teacher education was undergraduate and the teacher runs the task professionally. Weaknesses found many teachers have not mastered ICT. Opportunities found there is training to improve the ability of teachers and scholarships for teachers to continue their education. Threats found there is professional competency competition between teachers.


SWOT Analysis, Professional Competency, Teacher.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v20.1.1704


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