Correlation Analysis of Airport Silangit in Improving Tourism Sector in North Tapanuli Regency

Hendrik Taruna, Prof. Dr. H.B. Tarmizi, SE. SU, Prof. Dr. Suwardi Lubis, MS


This research is aim to analyze correlation of Silangit Airport development in improving tourism sector of North Tapanuli Regency, Indonesia. The research was conducted in North Tapanuli Regency. The method of analysis used in this research is descriptive and correlation analysis. The result of the research shows that the condition of Silangit Airport in the development of area in North Tapanuli Regency has shown good result, this is reflected from the quality of airport, facilities and infrastructure, and the information and promotion that is done acceptably. This is also supported by net balance of positive responses of respondents to the question of airport quality variables, facilities and infrastructure, and information and promotion. The condition of tourism in the development of the region in North Tapanuli regency has shown acceptable results, this is reflected from the condition of the tourism environment and the service and hospitality are carried out fairly satisfied. It is also supported by the net balance of positive responses of tourists to the question of the variable of the tourism environment and the service and the hospitality. The correlation analysis of Silangit Airport in improving tourism sector in North Tapanuli Regency shows significant result with probability level of 0,000.


Silangit Airport and Tourism.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Hendrik Taruna, Prof. Dr. H.B. Tarmizi, SE. SU, Prof. Dr. Suwardi Lubis, MS

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