The Utilization of Coconut Water and Molasses as Fluorescent Pseudomonad Propagation Medium

Linda Advinda, Mades Fifendy, . Irdawati, Azwir Anhar


Fluorescent pseudomonad are groups of bacteria that can be used in inducing plant resistance to pathogens. To be easily applied and stored, fluorescent pseudomonad must be reproduced in a particular medium. The aim of this research is to identify the ability of coconut water and molasses as the propagation medium of fluorescent pseudomonad. This research used a complete randomized design with 5 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment is the incubation period of fluorescent pseudomonad in coconut water and molasses medium, which is: A = incubation period of 0 weeks (control); B = incubation period of 2 weeks; C = incubation period of 4 weeks; D = incubation period of 6 weeks; and E = incubation period of 8 weeks. The results showed the highest number of bacteria in the coconut water propagation medium is at 6 weeks after incubation (wai) of 5.7.1015 cfu/mL and the least is at 8 wai of 1,3,108 cfu/mL. While in the propagation medium molasses, the largest number of bacteria is at 2 wai is 2,6,1011 cfu/mL, and no more bacteria found in sugar drops medium at 6 wai.


Fluorescent Pseudomonad, Coconut Water, Molasses.

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