The LO-MO-GO Leadership Communication Style: Reveal the Uniqueness of Culture Through Messages of a "Chairwoman"
Leadership communication is unique. The uniqueness also occurs on the leadership communication style of the Kentagor Female Women's Group (FWG) Chairperson in the Bogor city (Indonesia), for example, in this study. Kentagor FWG is the best performing FWG in this city. Many people from domestic and foreign who pay attention to FWGs and urban agriculture come to visit this group. The purpose of this study is to uncover the leadership communication style potentially shown by the FWG chairwoman related to group activities/urban agriculture practices. This study was qualitative research with a case study method. Data collected from interviews, observations, focus group discussions, and whatsapp group documentation. The results showed that the chairwoman of the FGD sent of messages which reflected various communication styles; "The LO-MO-GO Leadership Communication Styles." 1) Leader-Oriented (LO) emphasizes the leadership communication style which is more oriented into a leader. 2) Members-Oriented (MO) emphasizes leadership communication styles that more oriented to members. 3) Group-Oriented (GO) emphasizes leadership communication styles that more oriented to the group.The orientations of the leadership communication style and its uniqueness lies in understanding the messages (verbal-nonverbal) shown by the chairwoman.
Leadership communication is unique. The uniqueness also occurs on the leadership communication style of the Kentagor Female Women's Group (FWG) Chairperson in the Bogor city (Indonesia), for example, in this study. Kentagor FWG is the best performing FWG in this city. Many people from domestic and foreign who pay attention to FWGs and urban agriculture come to visit this group. The purpose of this study is to uncover the leadership communication style potentially shown by the FWG chairwoman related to group activities/urban agriculture practices. This study was qualitative research with a case study method. Data collected from interviews, observations, focus group discussions, and whatsapp group documentation. The results showed that the chairwoman of the FGD sent of messages which reflected various communication styles; "The LO-MO-GO Leadership Communication Styles." 1) Leader-Oriented (LO) emphasizes the leadership communication style which is more oriented into a leader. 2) Members-Oriented (MO) emphasizes leadership communication styles that more oriented to members. 3) Group-Oriented (GO) emphasizes leadership communication styles that more oriented to the group.The orientations of the leadership communication style and its uniqueness lies in understanding the messages (verbal-nonverbal) shown by the chairwoman.
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