Gastrointestinal parasites of Common Teal (Anas crecca) in the wetlands of Punjab, Pakistan
During the present study total 40 samples (20♂ 20♀) were collected from different six wetlands of Punjab Pakistan. Among these samples total 17 samples (08% ♂, 09% ♀) were found infected with different gastro- intestinal parasites. The parasitic load was almost equally shared by the bird sampled from different sites (Chashma Barrage 37.50; Taunsa Barrage and Head Marala 40% both; waterlogged area of Bahawalnagar 44.4% and Head Sulaimanki and waterlogged areas of Faisalabad 50% both. The frequency of distribution in two sexes vary at different sampling sites, parasitic load was almost equally shared by both sexes (40% ♂, 45% ♀), and difference of both sexes were statistically non-significant (P>0.05). The total seven species of Gastrointestinal parasites were identified which belongs to four classes/phylum (Nematode, Trematodes, Cestodes and protozoan) and five families (Dioctophymidae, Echinostomatidae, Hymenolepidiae, Hexamitidaeand Cryptosporidiidae), in which Nematodes 15%, Trematodes 32%, Cestodes 23% and Protozones 30 %. The total seven species of parasites which were recorded as Hystrichis tricolor, Echinostoma revolutum, Hypoderaeum conoideum, Hymenolepis longicirrosa, Diorchis stefanski, Giardia sp. and Cryptosporidium sp.
There is inadequate information on the parasites of wild migratory birds and this study will help to understand host-parasite interaction and provides valuable base line information for the evaluation of strength and health status of this species.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Zahid Farooq, Muhammad Nadeem, Tanveer Hussain, Tanveer ul Hassan, Muhammad Abrar, Muhammad Saleem Khan, Muhammad Wajid, Masroor Elahi Babar

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