Structural Constraints Faced by Teachers in Forming Student Character in School (Case Study of High School in Pauh District Padang City)

Santi Marlina, . Azwar, . Maihasni


Abstract – Abstract - Formation of character to students in schools is expected to be one way to create young people who are knowledgeable and moral. The inclusion of character education in the national education curriculum, is evidence of the importance of the values of morality instilled in students. Teachers, as educators in schools, become the foundation and the spearhead of the success of all the processes of character formation. But sometimes, in carrying out its functions, teachers face obstacles in maximizing the achievement of character building to their students. The purpose of this study is to identify structural constraints faced by teachers in forming the character of students at school. The theory used in this study is the theory of structuration from Anthony Gidden. The method used in this study is descriptive with qualitative data. This study was conducted with an approach to the object of study studied. With this method, it is expected to get better study results. In addition, it also provides convenience for researchers in carrying out the research process that will be carried out in the field. Based on the results of the study, it showed that the structural constraints faced by teachers are unsupportive student environments, unsupportive school facilities and infrastructure, policies that do not run smoothly, organizations that do not enforce the rules, not achieving the minimum standards of character education, and internal conflicts of teachers.


Character, Teacher, School, Student.

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