The Readiness of Accounting Students in Facing the Effect of Industrial Revolution 4.0

Sri Astuti, Sucahyo Heriningsih, . Marita


This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The purpose of this study is to explore the knowledge of accounting students on the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and their impact on accounting. In this digital age the role of accountants has changed to become a provider of insight data, advisors, partnering with technology, and developing into new areas. For this reason students are required to master Industrial Technology 4.0.

Respondents in this study are accounting students at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta who have taken financial accounting courses. Data collection techniques are carried out through questionnaires. The questionnaire contains the level of student knowledge of the Industrial Revolution 4.0; the impact of the industrial revolution on accounting and the ability of students to integrate the Industrial Revolution Technology 4.0.

The number of students who became research respondents was 237. Based on the frequency distribution, it can be concluded that 9.3% from 237 students really understand Industrial Revolution 4.0; 19% from 237 students really understand the effect of Industrial Revolution 4.0 on Accounting; and only 14.3%  from 237 students who really understand the integration of industrial revolution 4.0 on accounting and business.


Industrial Revolution; Accounting; Digital.

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