The Impact of Discovery Learning Model Toward Reasoning Prowess of The Students Grade VIII in SMPN 7 Padang

Vika Meirian Putri, Yerizon Yerizon


One of the prowess in mathematics learning that must be mastered by every student is mathematical reasoning prowess. But, the reasoning prowess of the students’ grade VIII in SMPN 7 is virtually low. This is discovered when the reasearcher undertake the surveillance and provide the test that contain mathematical reasoning indicators. The students have low reasoning prowess since the students do not usually work on non routine problems and cannot accomplish their own problems by themselves. This problem can be overcome by applying the Discovery Learning model through learning. This research aims to analyze and describe whether the students’ mathematical reasoning prowess who learn using Discovery Learning model is preferable than the students’ mathematical reasoning prowess who learn using conventional learning at grade VIII SMPN 7 Padang. The research uses true experiment with posttest-only control design and the instrument is mathematical reasoning prowess test. The result of the analysis test obtains P-value = 0,003 < α = 0,05 , which means there is an impact of the Discovery Learning model to the students’ mathematical reasoning prowess that the students’ mathematical reasoning prowess who learn using Discovery Learning is preferable than the students’ mathematical reasoning prowess who learn using conventional learning at grade VIII SMPN 7 Padang


Students’ Mathematical Reasoning Prowess; Discovery Learning; Conventional Learning

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