Knowledge Contestation on Organic and Non-Organic Agriculture in Sustainable Agriculture (Case Study of Horticultural Farmers in Waihatu Village, West Seram District)

Leunard Onisivorus Kakisina


This study aims to analyze the process of contestation between organic and non-organic agricultural knowledge in agricultural practices in Waihatu, West Seram District. This is a qualitative research which explores descriptive data in oral, written form and attitudes obtained from farmers and other related parties as agents of sustainable agriculture in Waihatu Village, West Seram District. This is a case study focused on hermeneutics. The data used in conducting this research are primary and secondary data. The results of this study indicate that the contestation between organic and non-organic farming knowledge about seed supply, fertilization, or land management is given a response from each of the local subsystems such as households, government, local communities, and marketing. For some people, in Waihatu village especially West Seram District, organic farming knowledge is actually deconstructed agricultural knowledge that is generated from field experience and some information from agricultural consultants that is enhanced from independent practices. Meanwhile, the part of agriculture that has mainly changed is an important part, namely maintenance using vegetable pesticides and fertilizing using organic fertilizers. The novelty of this research is an ontology that focuses on knowledge or skills in organic farming as a social reality by assuming that behind knowledge and skills there is the power and authority to turn knowledge into social practice and then gradually transform into social reality.


Organic Agriculture, Non-Organic, Sustainable

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