Vulvo-Vaginal Candidiasis in the Laboratory of Parasitology -Mycology of UHC-JRA Antananarivo Madagascar

Tsatoromila Fenosoa Anita Mireille, Norosoa Julie ZAFINDRAIBE, Zakasoa Mbololona RAVAOARISAINA, Njary RAKOTOZANDRINDRAINY, Christian Rafalimanana, Aimée Olivat RAKOTO ALSON, Lala Rasoamialy-Soa RAZANAKOLONA


Vulvo-vaginal candidiasis is a cosmopolitan infection caused by Candida spp. His diagnosis is mainly clinical, but the mycological examination confirms the species in question. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of vulvo-vaginal candidiasis in patients who came to the Parasitology-Mycology Laboratory of the University Hospital Center Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona (UHC- JRA) in Antananarivo -Madagascar for a mycological examination of vaginal specimens.

This is a retrospective descriptive study carried out in the Parasitology-Mycology laboratory of the UHC-JRA in Antananarivo from 2005 to 2018. The sociodemographic, clinical and biological information were collected using a register of patients. The specimen were directly inoculated on Sabouraud Dextrose Media and identified by direct examination and filamentation test. We have no result of antifungals susceptibility test because of the lack of discs.

During the period of study, 1014 patients were collected. Among them, 132 patients had vulvo-vaginal candidiasis (13.02 %). The age between 21 to 30 years old was the most affected (35.6%) by this infection. The average age was 33.61 years old. Leucorrhoea was found in 33.33% of cases. This last was frequently whitish and most often whitish and scanty. Candida albicans is the prevalent germs in 56.82% and Candida non albicans is encountered in 27.96%.

Vulvo-vaginal candidiasis is still a major health problem because of its frequency and its impact on the health of population as premature delivery, abortion, maternofetal infection. The improvement of the technical platform allows to better pose the diagnosis and to identify the different species of Candida spp.


Vulvo-Vaginal Candidiasis, Laboratory of Parasitology -Mycology, UHC-JRA.

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