The Influence of Human Relations and Transactional Leadership Styles on Employee Productivity at PT Miduk Arta
Human resources play an important role in a company, because human resources always play an active and dominant role in every company activity where humans become planners, implementers, and determinants of the realization of company goals. The management actions of each other are interrelated and it is the duty of each leader to regulate the resources that are in it to carry out various tasks in order to achieve organizational goals. This study aims to analyze the human relations and transactional leadership style on employee productivity at PT Miduk Arta. Respondents of this study are permanent and contract employees at the head office of PT Miduk Arta. Data collection method in this study is using likert scale. The sample of this study are amounted 103 people. The scale are human relations, and transactional leadership style. Data were analyzed statistically by using multiple regression. The results showed that human relations and transactional leadership style were significant factors in elevating employee productivity and both components showed a stronger influence for employee productivity. The role of human relations and high transactional leadership style can encourage increased work productivity.
Keywords: human relations, transactional leadership style, employee productivity, permanent employee, contract employee
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