Effect of Use of Handout that is Completed by Map Images of the Concept of Learning Competence Biology of Students in Class VIII, SMPN 31 Padang School Year 2013/2014

Suri Puspita, Ramadhan Sumarmin, Liza Yulia Sari



Teaching and learning process in SMP 31 Padang is still teacher centered. Instructional media use less variable, and the results of their study are still under minimum completeness criteria. This study aimed to determine the effect to the handout that comes with pictorial concept map of learning competencies Biology eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 31 Padang. This study is an experiment with purposive cluster sampling. The cognitive test instruments in the form of multiple choice questions. Non test instrument on the affective and psychomotor form of motivation questionnaire, observation sheet activities, and student assignment assessment sheet. Based on the analysis of data on the average cognitive learning outcomes experimental class 87.33 and control class 75.34. In the Uji-t is obtained t- hitung 4.80 and 1.67 t-tabel. In the affective domain of student motivation in the experimental class 89% and control class 83.46%. Activity of students in the first meeting of the experimental class 64.37%, and the second meeting 63.12%. In the first class meeting control 29.50%, and the second meeting 23.93%. In the psychomotor, the average student assignments in the experimental class 63,60 and control class 34,86. Based on the data analysis it can be concluded that the use of a handout that comes with pictorial concept maps affect the learning competencies Biology at the second semester of eighth grade students at SMP Negeri 31 Padang.

Key Word: Teacher centered, Handouts, Pictorial concept maps, Learning competencies.


Teacher Centered, Handouts, Pictorial Concept Maps, and Learning Competencies.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v17.1.1346


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