Influence du promoteur de croissance ‘DI Grow’ vert sur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques et nutritionnelles des œufs de poules Lohman Brown élevées à Sokode
Aim: The aim of the current work is to determine the impact of the use of Organic Fertilizer D.I. Grow Green (PCDIG) on the physical trait, technological and nutritional quality of eggs of Lohman Brown Layer hens reared at Sokode.
Methods: Methodologically, 100 laying hens at the egg-laying entrance were divided into two groups of 50 for the study and fed the same amount of GVS egg-laying feeds. The first batch was watered with 1mL / L of PCDIG for 5 days while the second batch was the control and therefore was watered without the organic fertilizer. The physical traits and quality of the chicken eggs were then determined on 30 fresh batch eggs collected at 28 weeks.
Results: This study shows that, apart from the weight of the egg, the width of the egg, the weight of the egg white, the egg shape index and the volume of the egg, the other parameters of the physical composition and those of nutritional properties of the eggs studied in the present study did not vary significantly according to the production system (P> 0.05). Eggs from hens reared with PCDIG were heavier, wider and richer in egg white (P˂0.001) than chicken eggs raised without PCDIG. Similarly, the highest egg shape index (78.3%) was recorded at the eggs of hens raised with the use of PCDIG (P˂0.05). The volume of eggs from hens raised with the use of DI Grow was 42.5 cm3 to 39.8 cm3 for the control group (P˂0.05). The pH of the egg white and the pH of the egg yolk did not vary significantly with the treatment. The yellow-scale intensity of chicken eggs bred with PCDIG was 13.8 compared to 12.1 for non-PCDIG-raised chicken eggs. However, the hue of the yolk did not vary significantly according to the treatment.
Conclusion: The Organic Fertilizer 'DI Grow' improves the size of eggs without affecting their technological and nutritional properties except fat content.Keywords
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