The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Self Efficacy towards Work Engagement

. Hasnida, Armen Jenranly Samosir, Ferry Novliadi


Work engagement has become a very important variable for organizations lately because of its relationship to employee performance, employee satisfaction and financial benefits. There are factors that encourage work engagement, namely employment and personal resources. Employment resources include the perceived organizational support and personal resources including self-efficacy. So in this study, to seen the effect of perceived organizational support and self-efficacy toward work engagement on nurses. The subjects in this study were the nurse population at Materna Hospital. Methods of data collection using the Likert scale, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) modification scale, the General Self Efficacy modification scale, and the Survey of Perceived Organizational Support (SPOS) modification scale. From the results of the study obtained data that the perceived organizational support and self-efficacy together affect work engagement by 33.6% and partially self-efficacy (15.92%) is more influential than the perceived organizational support (13.69%).


Work Engagement, Perceived Organizational Support, Self-Efficacy

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Copyright (c) 2019 Armen Jenranly Samosir, Hasnida Hasnida, Ferry Novliadi

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