Practicalities of Learning Modules Course of Culinary Nutrition Problem Oriented Lazy Learning (PBL) Nutrition for Students in the Stikes Perintis Padang
learning modules oriented Problem Based Learning (PBL) is a module that can increase the activity of learning to train students to find authentic problems, gather information to solve the problem. This study aims to produce learning modules Oriented Problem Based Learning (PBL) is valid, practical and effective.kind This study uses research and development Research and Development (R & D) to develop four model-D (4D). The development phase is 4D Define (define), Design (design), Development (development) and disseminate (dissemination). Data were obtained from the test, the practicalities, the practicality of data obtained from the questionnaire practicalities of faculty and students. Test the practicalities of the module-oriented Problem Based Learning subjects Culinary Association of Lecturers and students questionnaire shows (very practical) to the achievement of 92.5% and 89.23%.
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