The Issues of Perception of Common Nominal Expressions of “Spirituality” In the Epos of “Alpamish”

Yusuf Xodjiyev


The article deals with issues related to the interrelationship between language and spirituality in today's world, as well as issues related to learning the language of folklore in the framework of lexical units such as spirituality and spiritual-etiological values. The scientific papers connected to the theme have been analyzed and interpreted as well, in this article.

The article contains a wide exploration of scientific analysis of the semantic shifts of the term “spirituality” in the semantic nature of the general meaningful units representing the spiritual world of the person used in the text of “Alpamish”. The word "labor" used in the epos "Alpamish" is semantically analyzed and its ability to be potentially used in various microsystems have been explored.


National Spirituality, Lexical Content, Lexical Category, Nominal Unit, Nominal Expression, Linguistic Corpus, Semantic Model, Semantic Field, Grammatical Specifics, Social-Political Term, Polyphonic Nature, Structural Relations.

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