Preliminary Analysis for Development of Plant Ecology Practical Guide Based on Guided Inquiry

Hikmah Pertiwi SA, Azwir Anhar


Plant ecology is a part of biological science that involves interactions between plants and their environment. In the process of learning it requires correlation with observation activities in the practicum process. in the implementation of the Practicum, a practical guide is needed. The purpose of this study was to reveal, analyze, and explain the fact that it was important to develop a plant ecology practical guide based on guided inquiry approach. This research was conducted at STKIP PGRI West Sumatra in August 2018.  The first step in Plomp's design development was a preliminary analysis.  This preliminary analysis consists of curriculum analysis, practical guidance analysis, lecturer response analysis, problem analysis and need analysis. From the curriculum analysis it is found that there are eight practicum meetings that can be elaborated in the Semester Learning Plan. Furthermore, the analysis of practical guides shows that practicum guides did not yet had a scientific approached so that they did not facilitate students in finding concepts scientifically. Lecturer response analysis states that it was necessary to develop a guide to plant ecology practicum. Analysis of the problem shows that many students were not too well-versed on how to practiced scientific methods such as observation, formulating problems, making hypotheses, testing hypotheses and making conclusions.  While in the needs analysis students want a practical guide with cleared images, cleared scientific steps and a better practicum guide display.


Keywords: Analysis, Descriptive, Plant ecology, Practical Guide, Preliminary.


Analysis, Descriptive, Plant ecology, Practical Guide, Preliminary.

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