The Implementation of A scientific Approach Based Contextual Teaching and Learning Model to Increase the Student Learning Competence at SDN 22 Kuranji Padang

Nur Afni -, . Lufri



The learning materials of IPA are closely related to the process of contextual teaching and learning so far SDN 22 Kuranji Padang has not applied the learning contextual teaching and learning model, so the competence of the students was still low because theywere not directly involved in the learning process. The porpose of the research was to know the improvement of the students cognitive competence in learning IPA by implementing a contextual teaching and learning model with scientific approach. The subjects of the study were the students of Grade IV. A at SDN 22 Kuranji Padang in the 2018/2019 academic yearconsisting of 20 students. This type of research was a Classroom Action Research. The research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle included planing, acting, observing and reflecting stages. The instrument used were students' test, camera recordings, and field notes. The data of the research were analyzed in a descriptive qualitative method.  The research finding showed that the implementation of contextual teaching and learning model with scientific approach could increase the student cognitive competence from pre cycle  to cycle II. The percentage of the cognitive competence in pre cycle was 64,91%, cycle I was 74,60, and cycle II was 83,25%. Thus,  it can be concluded that through implementing a contextual teaching and learning model with scientific approach, it can improve the student cognitive competence of Grade IV in learning IPAat SDN 22 Kuranji Padang.

Keywords: Implementation CTL model, scientific approach, Research was Class Action Research (CAR)


Keywords: Implementation CTL model, scientific approach, Research was Class Action Research (CAR)

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