Need Analysis Development of Guided Inquiry Based Learning Module in Plantae and Animalia Learning Materials for Student of Senior High School Grade X

Yoanda Reski Amallia, Linda Advinda


The 2013 Curriculum has basic view that knowledge cannot be just transferred from teacher to
students. Learning should give opportunity to students to construct knowledge in their cognitive process.
Guided inquiry based learning model is one of recommended model in the 2013 Curriculum. Through
guided inquiry based learning module, students are facilitated to discover knowledge by themselves.
Purpose of the research was to determine and analyze students’ needs about development of guided
inquiry based learning module for X grade Senior High School students.Subjects of the research were 92
students and three Biology teachers in grade X ofSMAN 7 Padang, SMAN 8 Padang and SMAN 12
Padang.Data were collected by using interview guides, students’ need analysis questionnaire, instruments
of curriculum analysis and instruments of learning material analysis. Findings show that (1) learning
materials used by students focus on science as a product, not on process. Material presentation do not lead
students to actively involve in discovery learning; (2) material presentation is not based on one of learning
models recommended by the 2013 Curriculum;(3) material presentation cannot motivate students in
learning because it is not colorful, pictures are not clear, and examples are not familiar for students; and
(4)material presentation is not systematic and not appropriate with demands of basic competence in the
2013 Curriculum.


Learning Module, Guided Inquiry

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