The Role of The School Principal in The Implementation of Counselling Services in The State Junior High School 1 in Sirombu District, West Nias Regency

Frensis Ceriana Deli


This study is about the role of principals in BK services that are not optimal so that many students do not receive BK services effectively. The focus of the research was to find out the role of the principal, how the principal in overseeing BK services and how to improve effective BK services. This research was conducted at State Middle School 1 in Sirombu District, West Nias Regency. This study uses a qualitative method. The research informants were the principal, the BK teacher, the deputy principal and the teacher who taught there. Methods of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation.

From the results of the study, it was revealed that the role of the principal of SMP Negeri 1 Sirombu Subdistrict in BK services had carried out supervision and guidance. Supervision and guidance carried out by school principals in BK services, is still comprehensive guidance in schools, there is no specific guidance to BK teachers in improving Bk services. Then in the BK service, there were still many shortcomings of facilities, such as the BK room which did not yet exist in Sirombu 1 Public Middle School in West Nias Regency. The principal is to further increase knowledge related to BK science so that BK services that are mandated and dignified are achieved.


Role, Principal, Counselling Guidance Service

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