The Effect of Chemical Compound Names Module Based on Scientific Approach with Probing Prompting Technique on Learning Outcomes of Grade X Students of SMAN 1 Pancung Soal

Charles Zulnata, . Ellizar, Budhi Oktavia, . Alizar, Tiara Viodelf


This study aims to discuss a module on chemical comparison procedures based on science with techniques that investigate the learning outcomes of class X students of SMAN 1 Pancung Soal academic year 2018/2019. The research design used was the Non Equivalent Control Group Postest Only Design. taken using Cluster Cluster sampling. The study sample consisted of two classes namely the experimental class and the control class. The research instrument used was a test of learning multiple choice questions. Based on data analysis that can be produced by experimental class using scientific equation naming module based on scientific research with promising investigating techniques, the average value of learning outcomes is 86,21 and the control class without using modules with an average learning outcome value of 80, 53 After the t-test at the 0.05 level was obtained by Asymp. Sig of 0.092. When is the significance value> 0.05 then accept H0 and vice versa. Decision to reject H0 means learning outcomes of students who learn to use modules and without modules differ significantly. The average learning outcomes of students who use modules are higher than students who do not use modules in the nomenclature material for chemical composition of class X students of SMAN 1 Pancung Soal.


Compound Names, Scientific Approaches, Probing promting Techniques

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