The Relationship Between Principals’ Leadership and Work Motivation with Teacher Performence at SMK N 2 Kerinci

Nofi Nofrial, Nurhasan Syah, Wawan Purwanto


This study has the objective to disclose and describe: (1) The relationship of school leadership with the performance of teachers at SMK N 2 Kerinci, (2) Relationship work motivation and performance of teachers at SMK N 2 Kerinci, (3) The relationship of school leadership and motivation together with the performance of teachers at SMK N 2 Kerinci. This study uses a quantitative correlation method, the population in this study were as many as 38 teachers of SMK N 2 Kerinci. Sampling method in this study using the total population sampling or all of the research sample. The data collection technique using an instrument shaped using a questionnaire. (1) There is a significant relationship between principals leadership with teacher performance, the correlation coefficient rx1y = 0.416, (2) There is a significant relationship between work motivation with teachers performance, the correlation coefficient rx2y = 0.906, (3) There is a significant relationship between principals leadership, and motivation to work jointly with the performance of teachers with rx1,2y correlation coefficient = 0.936.


Principals Leadership; Work Motivation; Teacher Performance.

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