Analysis of Chemical Representation in Chemical Text Books Class XI High School in the Materials of Acid Base Solutions

Meli Suryani, Latisma DJ


Abstract - Textbooks are reference books for certain subjects that are used by students and educators to facilitate the learning process. The material in the textbook must be in accordance with the competencies achieved in the curriculum and the material must also be accurate to avoid misconceptions. One way to assess textbooks is to analyze them. This study aims to describe the results of chemical representation analysis in chemistry textbooks of class XI SMA in the chapter material on acid-base solutions compared to standard textbooks. The data sources in this study are 2 chemical textbooks, namely Unggul Sudarmo (Book A) and written by Tine Maria Kuswati (Book B) and the standard textbook used as a reference is Chemistry the Molecular Nature of Matter by James E. Brady. Criteria that can be used to analyze chemical representations and the relationship between representations are the methods proposed by Gkitzia et al. (2010). This method has 5 criteria: (C1) Type of representation, (C2) Interpretation of surface features, (C3) Relatedness to text, (C4) Existence and properties of a caption, (C5) Degree of correlationbetween representations comprising a multiple one The findings of this study indicate that the representation in Book A only fulfills 3 Gkitzia criteria, while Book B satisfies all Gkitzia criteria and corresponds to the representation that appears in the standard Brady textbook.


Textbook, Chemical representation, Acid-base solution

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